
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

L.A. Noire? - drinking problem

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Haha I've slipped behind in only my second week. For shame! I started a job this week and like an idiot I have no buffer on this comic.

So here's 3 games that I recommend:

Yakuza 3 and 4
Pure gritty Japanese noir with a great sense of humour.

Red Dead Redemption
It was everything I hoped it would be in a cowboy game. I can spend ages just riding across the beautiful landscapes

Mass Effect 2
I played this when it was released on the ps3 last year. It was buggy as hell (it's kind of fixed now) and I had my saved game wiped and I had to start the game again. Normally this would have me returning, selling or burning a game but the story and the characters were so engaging that I couldn't put it down. It's a shame I missed out on the first one.

All three of these games succeed with me because of their engaging story and colourful characters that I really care about. I'd put these games up there with my favourite films.

So what do you think about the comic? I really dropped a different style down here. Sorry it's a bit rotoscope but I haven't had that much time do do some drawing studies. This whole comic was late because I was stuck in Red Dead trying to do all my farm chores so I could leave the ranch and and hit a bar. I don't know why but I wasn't even allowed to drink?! I'm a grown man dag-nab-it!

So yeah I had to play the game and then take photos of my screen for these reference images. I thought that would look nicer and less 'google image' search

So lets talk bars in videogames, What's the deal? Apart for laughs of seeing your character drunk why are there bars in videogames? I have no idea at least in Yakuza they serve as a way to learn about premium alcohol, you also earn experience for trying new drinks.

Ok well Friday might be hard to deliver on time as well. I'm hoping to catch up on the weekend both on the comic and getting a little bit further in L.A. Noire. I'm still working traffic


  1. Sheeeeet thats a pretty comic.

  2. What program do you use for your backgrounds? :O

  3. This one is all photoshop. The process for this page was to play the game then take photos of the scenes for my panels.

    Then in photoshop, I positioned and cropped the images in how I wanted my panels to look.

    I dropped a white layer down over the images and sketched out how I wanted my characters to look. That white layer I'll turn off at the end but it gives me a breathing space to work out what to do with the painting.

    I then (using a cs5 digital imitation brush)on a new layer worked quite harshly painting out all the blacks on the image.

    After that it's about sampling colours from the photo for the characters and blending, simplifying and flattening the colours on the photo image. Painting out the original characters. It helps that the photos were blurry, and I like how light areas flared out.

    It's a bit of a cheat. I prefer working more like the previous comic. It does help to know how light works and to push the whites and blacks (if you don't it gets too murky, the second panel could be better). The rougher you are with the painting the better the results.

    I hope that makes sense

  4. Just caught up with all your comics! I am amazed that you can juggle this, X-men and work :P How on earth do you manage? Loving the different styles and your photoshop painting techniques! I love the line "Oh those poor people, Waaaah!" Hehehehehehehe.....
