
Wednesday, June 29, 2011


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I saw this trailer this week and it really pissed me off at just how STUPID the person was selling this game. There's some interesting stuff that happens after these two scenes BUT WHY WOULD A DEVELOPER START SELLING HIS GAME LIKE THIS!!!

But look at the youtube comments and various game sites no one seems  to mind that he begins by beating up women, (Topless robot mentioned it) and homeless people. So maybe it's not that stupid, maybe there's a market for this. I can't wait to see it's section in EB Games, 'Women and Homeless beating'

This effin game has really pissed me off about videogames, I'd like to go out and see a movie but Transformers is pissing me off about movies....arghhh!

Hopefully I'll be inspired to do a new comic for Friday


  1. Tim - you have the world view and conscience of a man your age. Even given that the average age of gamers is more or less a man your age :D there would have been a bunch of tots replying on YouTube comments who have NFI that there is anything wrong with beating up on women and the homeless as "entertainment". "It's just a game" would doubtless be their unprocessed response to any criticism such as yours.

    You are too mature to let bullshit like this go unremarked. Doubtless Drew Holmes is too, but he's special.

    p.s. Sorry to call you "mature" on the Internets...

  2. Ha thanks Phil,

    I guess my main rant towards this is that the developer and PR department went with this approach. They should know better and should be held accountable.

    I guess it's pretty stupid of me to hope youtube commenters would call them out on this though. haha

  3. People's world view is shaped by anything they come across. People say that it's over the top to say video game violence makes them violent in real life. Thats a load. If you enjoy beating up women and homeless people in a computer game, you're going to have your world view altered. You may not go and beat up women, but I reckon you're more likely. It's a huge concern because domestic violence is such a big problem already.

  4. This game is an open world, sandbox game where you make choices in how you play the game. So in a way I'm reluctant to even call this a violent video game. I don't think Drew gets a score for beating up women and the homeless (I might be wrong) but he chooses to do it to sell his video game. I think his world view is all ready messed up.

    this is more my issue
